General Information
Short History:
In 1975, the Snake Valley Drop-In Centre society was formed to establish a seniors' (age 40 and over) drop-in center. They bought Con Peterson's building on main street for a sum of $1500 and added on to that building. The organization is now a registered charity. A major siding renovation was completed in 2020.
Mailing Address:
Box 191, Milo, AB, T0L 1L0
Secretary/Treasurer: Barb Godkin, (403)485-8389, ibgodkin@gmail.com
Chairperson: Susan Ivers, (403)599-3874
Drop-In Activities
Membership: $20.00/year
Drop-In Activities:
Coffee Mornings - Mondays, 9:00am
Card Games - Fridays, 1:00pm
Rentals and other uses:
Yoga - Fridays, 10-11:15am. Gentle class for all ages and abilities! Contact instructor Leanne Holt at (403)689-2248 if you plan on attending and for price and schedule information. Classes are a drop in basis.
Family gathering funeral services at Milo Hall - No set fee. Donation.
Rentals - We encourage rental of Milo Community Hall for most community functions. However, if the hall is unavailable, or our space is needed in addition to a hall rental, we charge a rental fee of $40/day. No wi-fi available.
Milo Art Society - Uses space for meetings and some activities.